Letters from Supervisor Franklin are to recognize community achievements from constituents and organizations - for the work they do in our district and the greater
Prince William County.
To be considered, you must:
Live or have an organization in the Woodbridge District
Must recognize an occasion of significance
The occasion meaningfully impacts our community
The request must be submitted via email
All requests must be sent to woodbridgedistrict@pwcgov.org
Please include "Letter from Supervisor Request" in the subject.
Your email must include the following:
Name of Letter Recipient (First and Last)
Name of Organization (if applicable)
Phone Number
Address (Recipient or Organization)
A short description that highlights the occasion (and work of your organization)
Additional Information we should know
Please note: Due to the high volume of requests, Supervisor Margaret Franklin's office may be unable to respond to your request - even if all the above criteria are met.
If your request is approved, an office staff member may contact you directly for further information.